
Thought it was time to mix things up a little so I submitted a piece to the "Over Your Head" exhibition being held at Stanley Street Gallery in Sydney.
Just goes to show it's worth trying something different as they accepted my piece!
"Re-Worn" is the reconstruction of my beloved winter coat. It is an acknowledgment of the value I place on the memories embedded in the fabric, the tacit sense of familiar comfort and the recognition of a finely crafted garment.

Reworking the coat in this way is an opportunity to feature the inherent worn history of the garment while showcasing it in the present.

It is a positive exercise in holding on.
This piece represents the aspect of my practice that explores personal associations and how we value them. I am particularly interested in the textile memories held within the personal fabric that surrounds us as well as the fabric we associate with loved ones.
So if you're in Sydney between 13th August to 6th September, stop by the gallery for your fill of contemporary wearable art!


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