Pin Swaps

I had the opportunity to participate in not one but TWO Pin Swaps this year. I had so much fun with both and I can’t believe I haven’t done this before. The anticipation was very high!
The first one was in July at the Edges, Borders, Gaps jewellery conference. That was an exercise in controlled chaos (is there such a thing!?!?) – a live event where you had to run around and figure out who’s pin you received and who received your pin.
My offering of the Milky Way in sawpierced titanium...
And in return I received this amazing piece by Sean O'Connell...
The second swap was a mail out for members of JMGQ where you sent your pin in and then eagerly awaited the arrival of the swap. Love waiting for fun mail!!
I sent out Bones of the Cosmos in titanium and sterling silver...
And received this beatuty from Patsie Wishart...
As well as all the fun it was a great way to continue the Year of the Brooch and try new ways of connecting metal to fabric!



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