Market Anniversary

Then         and          Now

So this weekend marks three years since I launched the JesikaJack collection live to the world at the Byron Bay market! Thinking back to that rainy cold day with my leaky borrowed tent, I’m happy to say that since then every move has been a step forward – mostly!!


I would have to say my biggest surprise about having a market stall is that it turns out making a sale is only a small part of what makes a successful day for me. Making connections with people, networking and planting seeds go towards the all-important building of brand awareness as well as leaving me inspired and motivated to head back to the studio for more creating!
And of course the best thing about a day at the market is the interaction with customers – watching what they’re drawn to, seeing different ways they may wear a piece and listening to what excites them about my collection. It’s such a great way to get out of the bubble that is my studio!
Another interesting part of my market experience has been the nitty gritty of putting the stall together. It definitely didn’t happen overnight and planning for outdoors, indoors and interstate travel has been an interesting challenge. Whipping out my woodworking skills seems to be a regular event with my proudest achievement being my table frame that packs into a suitcase!


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