Contemporary Jewellery Fix

Kaori Juzu (Japan/Denmark) - left: 'Mare Nostrum', right: 'Mare Mea'
(photo from Gallery Funaki website)
This week I'm in Melbourne being inspired by Kaori Juzu's stunning work in the Mari Funaki Award for Contemporary Jewellery exhibition being held at Gallery Funaki. Her use of enamel makes me want to go out a buy a kiln today!
Helen Shirk (USA) 'Neckpiece #7'
(photo from Gallery Funaki website)
Also loving Helen Shirk's construction of this fabulous neckpiece. You can't tell by the photo but this piece falls over the body due to many indivual joins.
Martin Papcun (Czech Republic/Germany)  'Building'
(photo from Gallery Funaki website)
I can never pass up peering into a textured object and a smattering of decay makes Martin Papcun's piece a trifecta winner in my eyes!
Also stopped in at the National Gallery of Victoria and while there was no jewellery on display I found treasure in the bookshop - brand new release of a book I've been waiting for... 'Place and Adornment: A History of Contemporary Jewellery in Australia and New Zealand' by Damian Skinner and Kevin Murry.
Matches nicely with my other new purchase, delivered the day before I came on holidays - 'Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective' edited by Damian Skinner.
Now to take all that inspiration and put it to work for my piece in the upcoming 'Wild Waters' exhibition!



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